Last week the Nationhood Lab director discussed the Pell Center project’s recent report with statewide public radio networks in the two states

Colin Woodard, director of Salve Regina University’s Nationhood Lab, spoke May 10 with two statewide public radio networks about the Pell Center project’s latest work on the geography of gun violence.
Woodard talked with Maine Public and Wisconsin Public Radio about the new American Nations-driven research showing massive regional differences in the per capita rates of gun homicides and suicides, which persisted when segmented by urbanity and race of victim. The research, published April 23, was the topic of a Politico story Woodard wrote which has had more than a million readers and is the most read article at the news site this far in 2023
In the morning, Woodard spoke with Irwin Gratz, local host of “Morning Edition” at Maine Public‘s statewide radio network, which broadcasts simultaneously across 14 radio stations to reach 250,000 weekly listeners across the state.
In the afternoon he joined Wisconsin Public Radio’s long-form interview and call-in show, “Central Time,” hosted by Rob Ferrett. The 38-station network reaches 400,000 weekly listeners.
Woodard also appeared recently on MSNBC’s Katy Tur Reports and NPR’s Here & Now to discuss the gun violence findings.
Nationhood Lab, a project at Salve Regina University’s Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy, delivers more effective tools with which to describe and defend the American liberal democratic tradition and better understand the forces undermining it.